- Microsoft Word - EnglishPastoralLetter2024final
English translation. Click on the PDF button to open.
Video of the 2024 Lenten Pastoral Letter's English Translation
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Father Christian Enke, our parish priest, and Pastoral Associate Lori Bemb read the English translation of Bishop Georg Bätzing's annual message to the faithful of the Diocese of Limburg. Click on the "Inhalt anzeigen" button to watch the video.
Video of Pastoral Letter for 2023 (Abridged English Translation)
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2022: Thoughts on the Season and the State of the Church
Bishop Georg Bätzing addressed two letters to Catholics in the Diocese of Limburg to mark the start of Lent 2022. His more standard Pastoral Letter is a meditation on the implications for the church of today's societal changes; a supplementary Note -- which he asked all pastors in the diocese to read aloud at Mass on the First Sunday of Lent -- spells out his concerns about the crisis of faith that a range of scandals has prompted for believers.
Both documents are available below in their original German versions and in abridged English translations in both text and video.
Video of Pastoral Letter for 2022
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An English-language synopsis of the bishop's Lenten Pastoral Letter. Click on "Inhalt anzeigen" to view.
- Finding Courage in Difficult Times
English version of supplemental Lenten Note to the Faithful from Bishop Bätzing
Video of Supplementary Lenten Note for 2022
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An English-language synopsis of the bishop's supplementary Lenten Note to the Faithful. Click on "Inhalt anzeigen" to view.